In addition to the meetings scheduled as per the board of directors, the house of delegates, committee meetings, the WIC Foundation, the Council of elders etc., an annual convention is held every years as stipulated in the constitution of the congress.
Convention: There shall be an annual Convention of the Congress which shall be held during the Labor Day Weekend or on such date and venue as the Board of Directors shall specify. The Board of Directors shall try as much as possible to rotate the venue of the Convention according to states.
Quorum: Sixty percent (60%) of the member organizations in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting or conference during the Convention of the Congress.
Convention Planning Committee: The Board of Directors shall appoint members of the Committee to work with the host member organization to plan a well-coordinated Convention.
The Congress shall have sole control over the planning of the Convention and shall work with the local host in choosing the theme for the Convention, setting the agenda, and devising a realistic budget.